What global issues do I deal with?
I mostly deal with this in my Service part of CAS. Since I'm a leader of DAWG and am part of a team that organizes a sterilization campagin every year, I therewith deal with the global issue of street dogs and cats. Stray cats and dogs that live on the street are common in many countries across the globe, their size in population increases every day. By organizing a sterilization, we are helping people in our own community to decrease the number of stray cats and dogs. An animal that is sterilized can no longer reproduce, hence for every animal sterilized there are less stray animals around Battarumlla.
What are my challenges?
I'm mostly challenged with my Service activity, because it is the first time that I've ever had to lead a group of people that mainly consists of younger people. They tend to be very indisciplined, have a very small attention span and are hard to motivate. So far, I have always preferred working with people my own age, but I am sure that I will learn a great deal from the choice that I have made.
I'm challenged in my Action, because I have never done pilates before, but also because the group of people with whom I do it are mainly middle-aged women. This can get rather uncomfortable for a teenager like me, yet I have already started to feel more at ease around them. I am also challenged by the fact that my body itself is not used to any of the exercises we do, so it will take me a while until I am familiarized with all of them.
The challenge within my Creativity is one that I have complete control over. I think that the goals I have set myself for both my writing and playing my bass have created challenges, simply because I want to meet them in due time. My writing has already started to improve, maybe I will even post some of my work on here some time, yet I never stop pushing myself to learn new things, expand my vocabulary, improve my structure and improve the breadth of my topics. For my bass playing, I have started to select songs that are much more challenging than what I have played in the past. Since I have a 4-string bass, there is a restriction to which songs I can play, yet I am planning on buying a 5-string set and mount it onto my 4-string, so I can start playing songs by bands like Despised Icon, Whitechapel or Carnifex.
What I have learned:
In service, I have learned that leadership doesn't always work the same with everyone. Different people need to be lead differently, depending on the type of person they are. I have also learned that I can deal with responsibility much better than I had expected, which has given me more confidence in my leadership.
In my action, I have improved my football playing skills and am now starting to improve the strength of my muscles and also my own physical flexibility.
In my creativity, as mentioned, I have started to improve the structure of my writing, along with the vocabulary involved. I have also improved my finger techniques for my bass, as well as my skills involving using a guitar pick to play some songs. I have also learned how to put new strings on my bass, because I had my old strings break just a while ago and had to put in new strings.
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